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Physicians Thanked for Services On National Doctor’s Day, March 30th

Mar 30, 2016News

“People pay the doctor for his trouble; his kindness – they still remain in his debt.” Seneca, ancient Roman philosopher.

In many cases our physicians, whether they are family medicine or specialty doctors have saved lives, and healed and treated all types of illnesses from infections to chronic diseases.

“We are grateful for the many members of the Delta Health medical staff for the high quality of care and services that they provide to Delta County families each and every day,” stated CEO Jason Cleckler. “On Doctor’s Day March 30th take time to thank your doctor for being there to help and heal.”

National Doctor’s Day commemorates the nation’s doctors, who have dedicated themselves to public service by helping to ensure the good health of U.S. citizens. Eudora Almond, wife of Sir. Charles Almond, celebrated the first Doctor’s Day in winder, GA on March 30, 1933. The red carnation is the symbolic flower for this holiday. President George Bush designated Doctor’s Day for March 30th, 1991 – to celebrate the sacrifices and contributions made by our nation’s doctors.

According to a study by the Association of American Medical Colleges, the average cost of attending a U.S. medical school as a non-resident is about $50,000 per year.

“The secret to my awesome recovery, is a doctor who is simply extraordinary!”


“Where there is a love of medicine, there is a love of human kind” ERF

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