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Delta Health and Delta County School District Come Together In Time of Need

Jul 12, 2024News

Delta, CO (July 12, 2024) – One of Delta County’s greatest strengths is coming together in times of need. A great example of this was during last week’s power outage that hit parts of Delta. Delta Health Hospital’s walk-in freezer stopped working, leaving the hospital in a bind.

There were hundreds of pounds of food that were at risk of spoiling, but the Delta County School District (DCSD) stepped up in an extraordinary way. Julie Huffman, Chief Legal Officer for Delta Health, called Karen Gibson, Delta County School Superintendent early the next morning asking if there was anything she could do to help save the food supply. Gison immediately answered and helped coordinate a plan.

The Garnet Elementary School freezer was available with the school out for summer. Within hours, the hospital maintenance and dietary teams, alongside DCSD staff, transferred all of Delta Health’s frozen food to the elementary school’s freezer. Thanks to their swift action and the generous assistance of DCSD, Delta Health had minimal loss of its food supply.

“This is what community is all about,” said Gretchen Pulver, Director of Nutrition Services at Delta Health. “We were in a dire situation, and Karen and her team responded without hesitation. Their willingness to help on such short notice made all the difference. It’s truly heartwarming to see how our community comes together in times of need.”

The cooperation between Delta Health and Delta County Schools exemplifies the strength of community partnerships. This act of kindness and collaboration ensured that Delta Health’s vital nutrition services could continue for patients without interruption.

“A heartfelt thank you to Karen Gibson and the Delta County School District for their incredible support,” said Huffman. “Their quick response and generosity turned a potential crisis into a testament of community spirit.”

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