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(970) 874-7681

General Info

Behavioral Health

Hospital-Based Behavioral Health Care

At Delta Health, we understand that physical health directly affects mental and emotional well-being. We know that health uncertainties can create anxiety and stress, even in our welcoming hospital environment. Whether you are struggling with health anxiety, addictive behaviors, needing life resources, or having a mental health crisis, we are here to help.

Our Inpatient Behavioral Health Team members are dedicated to providing empathetic support, a listening ear and an open heart to help you feel seen, heard, and cared for. We are here to support you, serve you, and advocate for your healthcare needs.

Our Behavioral Health Providers assist patients in areas of:

  • Connect our patients with vital behavioral health and community resources to empower wellness and success long after you leave the hospital.
  • Can schedule you with our outpatient counselors.
  • Arrange in-hospital meetings with community partners.
  • Submit referrals to 3rd party/local providers.
  • Secure psychiatric appointments.

After you discharge, we will call you a week later to see how you are doing and if you need additional resources. Our comprehensive support ensures you never have to face health challenges alone.

For more information or questions regarding our Inpatient Behavioral Health services, please contact Dan Panzarella, LPC, LAC at 970-874-6478 or If you are in a mental health crisis, please call Colorado Crisis Services at 1-844-493-8255.

Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care

At Delta Health, our Behavioral Health Providers are here to support your behavioral health needs as they relate to your medical issues. Our approach is one that focuses on whole-person care. This means our behavioral health providers works with you, your medical provider, and nursing staff to improve your physical and emotional health. We offer short-term (1-20 visits), solution-focused treatment that assists when emotional concerns like stress, worry, depression, physical health concerns and other life problems begin to interfere with your daily life. Our behavioral health providers are located at Delta Health Family MedicineDelta Health West Elk Hotchkiss,  Delta Health Adult Primary Care and the Behavioral Health/Urgent Care Center.

Our BHS assist patients in areas of:

  • Developing coping skills to manage emotional or behavioral difficulties such as insomnia, anger, anxiety (worry), grief and loss, depression and excessive stress
  • Developing coping skills related to chronic medical conditions
  • Sleep hygiene techniques
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Tobacco Cessation
  • Weight loss
  • Alcohol and/or substance misuse

Schedule an appointment:

Patients can schedule with a Behavioral Health Provider through their primary care clinic or by calling  970.874.6008.

Delta Health Family Medicine:

296 Stafford Lane, Suite A, Delta, CO
Phone: 970.874.5777
Fax: 970.874.1631

Delta Health West Elk Clinic Hotchkiss

230 E Hotchkiss Ave, Hotchkiss, CO
Phone: 970.872.1400 
Fax: 970.399.2737

Delta Health Adult Primary Care

1450 Burgess St, Delta, CO
Phone: 970.874.7668
Fax: 970.874.0708

Delta Health Behavioral Health Center

70 Stafford Lane, Delta, CO 81416
Phone: 970.874.6008
Fax: 970.546.4033

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