Dr. Amber Angles, FMOB at Delta Health Family Medicine
You see the 2 lines on the pregnancy test – now what? Life will change – it’s inevitable with bringing a new baby into the world and bringing a new baby home. One of the best parts of my job as a Family Medicine with Obstetrics (FMOB) physician is caring for patients who are newly pregnant. There are so many challenges and questions, and pregnancy is a time of increased motivation to maintain healthy habits. First-time parents always have many concerns and worries, and this is normal. I love helping people through the uncertainties of pregnancy with evidence-based education and sound clinical advice.
During Pregnancy
From the time you conceive, your body starts to change. There are many challenges in the first trimester – nausea, exhaustion, and occasional cramping. Many of these things can be remedied by eating the right foods and staying hydrated, but sometimes prescription medications are needed. Often it is a relief when the second trimester comes along, and with this comes a special time of bonding with your baby as you and family members can start to feel movements.
Prenatal care is so necessary because it allows us to monitor you and your baby for complications with growth, genetic problems, diabetes, pre-eclampsia, and conditions affecting the internal organs of the baby. Your FMOB provider can also talk with you about different vaccines that are safe in pregnancy that can protect you and your baby, especially during cold and flu season.
Then, there is the third trimester: your baby’s movements will pick up and clinic visits become more frequent as we prepare for labor and delivery. I love helping patients navigate through questions about birth plans and what to expect for a positive experience at the hospital.
During Labor and Delivery
Sometimes parents write a birth plan, however, many of the things parents wish for during labor and delivery are part of our routine care at Stork’s Landing, the Delta Health Labor and Delivery Unit. If your pregnancy is healthy, intermittent or infrequent monitoring may be offered so that you can move freely, take a bath in the hot tub, and have increased privacy.
We also work with patients in different laboring positions and try to ensure you are comfortable. We can help with pain control with IV medications or epidural or nitrous oxide, and your provider can talk with you more about pain control if this is a part of labor and delivery that is worrisome.
When the baby is born we try to move the baby straight to the mother’s chest for skin-to-skin bonding which is so critical for infant temperature control, heart rate regulation, and bonding. We practice delayed cord clamping where the umbilical cord stays attached between mother and baby for one minute after birth, and we ask if the mother or other support person wants to cut the cord. Our priorities are safety and comfort. We know you have a lot of choices for labor and delivery care, and our staff is here for new parents.
During the Newborn Stage
A unique aspect of choosing an FMOB is that the physician who delivers your baby can also care for your newborn. This is such a special and joyful part of my practice. If you choose to breastfeed your baby there are also many resources in Delta to help you be successful with this part of your journey.
The newborn stage has some trials: lack of sleep, worries, and changes to your routine. We have counseling resources to aid in post-partum depression and encourage new parents to reach out. We complete newborn screenings and tests for jaundice and weight gain to make sure your newborn is thriving.
It’s an exciting journey – and we will be there with you every step of the way – from hearing the heartbeat for the first time to your baby’s first steps, kindergarten and high school graduation. It is our privilege to be your family doctor.
More information on FMOBs at Delta Health Primary Care Clinics can be found online at deltahealthco.org/all-services/primary-care-locations/ and for more information and tips on deciding where to deliver your baby, head to the Stork’s Landing webpage at deltahealthco.org/storks-landing/ or by calling 970.874.2255.
Dr. Angles is a Family Medicine with Obstetrics physician located at the Delta Health Family Medicine Clinic in Delta. Dr. Angles is currently accepting new patients. Please call 970.874.5777 to learn more or visit deltahealthco.org/delta-family-medicine/.