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Top Tips for Families Preparing for Back-to-School Season

Aug 5, 2024Library

Amanda Lovette, MD, Delta Health Pediatrics 

As the back-to-school season approaches, it’s time to gear up for a smooth transition from summer fun to school routines. Here are some top tips to help you and your kids get ready for a fantastic school year ahead!

  1. Re-establish Routines – Summer schedules can be all over the place, and it is almost certain your children are not up at 6 am and asleep by 9 pm during the summer, Now’s the perfect time to get back into a regular routine, and it is important because you want your child to be rested and ready to learn each school day. Start by setting a consistent bedtime and wake-up time which will help your kids adjust to school hours gradually.  We recommend starting this at least a week before school begins.  Also start working with your children on their normal school morning routines, like including time for breakfast, packing school bags, and some relaxation.
  2. Create a Homework Station – A dedicated space for homework can make a big difference in your child’s productivity and focus. This can be a desk in a separate room or space in the family room or other room in the house.  You may need to get creative with the space you have. You will want to make sure this area is quiet and free from distractions – specifically no TV, though sometimes quiet and relaxing music can be helpful for children to concentrate. Stock it with essential supplies, like pencils and pens, calculator, extra paper or notebooks, or anything else they might need. It should also be comfortable and well-lit.  Your child will likely spend an hour or more in this space each school day – make it the perfect place for them to finish their homework and that homework may get done much more quickly!
  3. School Supplies – I remember shopping for school supplies – it was actually one of the more fun activities I did as a kid in the summer.  Involve your kids in the process – let them pick out their favorite notebooks or backpack.  Be sure to consult the supplies list from the school website (or most local stores will have copies of the lists in the school supplies department) and get everything your child needs – this will reduce the need for further shopping after school begins and will give your child everything at school that he needs to be successful in the classroom. It is also helpful to label everything which helps your child keep up with his supplies and may help prevent other children from “borrowing” them!
  4. Healthy Eating Habits- A healthy diet is crucial for your child’s energy and concentration. Plan ahead by stocking up on items to prepare a healthy breakfast each day.  Involve your child in the meal planning and preparation so that you minimize any food refusal.  Think about prepping school lunches a few days ahead – it saves precious time on busy school mornings and helps you plan healthy choices ahead of time instead of impulsive unhealthy foods in the moment.
  1. Stay Organized with a Family Calendar – Though you may spend some time and money setting it up before school starts, keeping track of school events, extracurricular activities, and important dates with a family calendar is a game changer for staying organized and never missing school events.  Use  a different color code for each family member, update it regularly with new events and deadlines, and place it in a central location so everyone can access it easily.
  2. Mental and Emotional Preparation – Returning to school can be stressful for kids, especially after a long break. Help them feel prepared by talking about what to expect. Discuss new classes, teachers, and any changes this year. Walk through with them about how it looks to ask for help from a teacher (this can be very anxiety-provoking) and what your expectations are regarding when they get homework done and when they can have free time to play.  Give them a safe environment to express any worries or ask any questions. It may be helpful to teach them relaxation techniques and mindfulness practices.  Some great apps for this include Headspace, Calm, Smiling Mind, and Mindful Powers.
  3. Get Involved – Show your support by getting involved in your child’s education. Attend school orientations and meetings, volunteer for school events or activities, and stay in touch with teachers and staff regarding your child’s class attendance, participation, and learning level.  This helps you develop a mutually satisfying relationship with your child’s teacher and can prevent problems with communication at a later point.
  4. Tech Check-Up – In my school days, pencil and paper and the occasional calculator were our technology, but that is very different in today’s digital age.  Ensure all tech is ready to go. Update software on devices your child will use, set up parental controls if necessary, and ensure you and your child have access to school portals and online resources
  5. Plan Fun Activities for After School – Be sure to balance school work with fun! Plan after-school activities to help your child unwind and enjoy. Older children may enjoy sports, arts, or specialty clubs. Younger children may enjoy playdates or family time.  Encourage your child’s hobbies, sports, and interests – they need time to recharge with activities they enjoy.
  6. Stay Positive and Encouraging – Your attitude sets the tone for your child’s outlook on school. Stay positive and encouraging. Celebrate their efforts and achievements. Be patient and supportive with any initial struggles or setbacks. Consistently reinforce the importance of learning and growth and let them know that it can be fun to learn.

Let’s make this school year the best one yet!

For more information, contact Delta Health Pediatrics at 970.546.4000 or visit Delta Health Pediatrics has walk-in appointments available Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. as well as same-day appointments available Monday through Friday. Please call the clinic to schedule an appointment.

More tips, articles and videos from Dr. Lovette can also be found online by joining the Healthy Kids Western Slope Facebook Group at


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