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Delta Health’s new Surfacide® UV-C disinfection technology ensures a safe environment and reduces risk of infection

Feb 2, 2021News

Delta, CO (February 2, 2021) – To advance and continue infection prevention efforts, Delta Health (Delta Health) is now using the Surfacide® Helios™ UV-C technology, which uses ultraviolet light to help prevent the spread of dangerous microorganisms and targets viruses, including COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2, to ensure a safer environment.

“The Environmental Services (EVS) team at Delta Health is extremely excited about this new and exciting UV-C technology,” said Sarah Knop, Director of EVS at Delta Health. “This comes at a critical time in the medical field when we are meant to elevate our infection prevention measures overall, and Delta Health is thrilled to rise to the occasion with innovative, cutting-edge technology that will keep the hospital a safe environment for healing.”

The ultra-violet light system is a method for portable antimicrobial disinfection and an overall game-changer, said Knop. The system will allow Delta Health to rapidly deploy a non-contact disinfection method to all patient areas.

The UV technology works by destroying the genetic bonds in pathogens, rendering them unable to replicate and cause infection. This makes the technology a key component in efforts to combat COVID-19.

“We are thrilled to have this technology available to our patients on the Western Slope of Colorado,” said Matt Heyn, President and Chief Executive Officer for Delta Health. “The UV solution will help us continue to provide a safe environment for our community members to receive care during the pandemic and beyond.”

Surfacide® has proven effectiveness against MERS-CoV, a similar strain of coronavirus to SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19. It also delivers more UV-C energy to more surfaces and with the Surfacide® laser map emitters, the system can laser map hospital spaces to calculate the most effective UV-C dose and rapidly decontaminate the area.

“Our EVS team has done a great job ensuring safety standards throughout the pandemic, and with the new UV-C system, we will continue raising the bar on quality standards,” said Knop.

The UV-C system was donated to Delta Health from Delta County through CARES Act funds and is meant to help prevent hospital-wide infection, improve conditions for patients and provides the hospital with extra safety measures during the pandemic and beyond.

“We are extremely grateful to Delta County for helping us acquire the new UV-C technology,” said Jody Roeber, Senior Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer for Delta Health. “It is going to elevate the level of care that our health care staff can provide our patients, and it means that we can spend even more time providing remarkable care.”

To learn more about the UV-C technology, visit For more information on Delta Health’s safe care commitment, visit

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