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Get Fit/Lose Weight with Delta Health

Dec 27, 2017News

Delta Health is here for your health and wants to help you get started on your summer fitness program. The hospital has several programs to assist you in overall fitness and weight management. To ramp up your fitness join the Delta Health Community walking/jogging group. Everyone is welcome from couch potatoes to marathoners. There is no charge for this group that meets at the Lion’s Pavilion by Bill Heddles on Wednesdays at 4pm. Times and days may change as the weather gets hotter. Contact the Cardiac rehab program at 874- 2412 for more information.

Any one who is concerned about their weight is invited to join Get Up and Go weight management program. This ongoing program is designed to give you the start you need to make lifestyle changes that will get you to a healthy weight and keep you there. The program includes a personalized fitness evaluation and supervised exercise with certified exercise physiologists; an individualized diet plan and nutrition education by Registered Dietitian/Nutritionists and group support. The program is ongoing so you can join anytime; the first class meeting is planned for May 17th. Call the dietitians office at 874-6410 for more information. Preregistration required.

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