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New Vestibular Rehabilitation Services at Delta Health will help treat dizziness and vertigo

Aug 30, 2022News

Delta, CO (August 30, 2022) – ​Dizziness is one of the most common concerns that patients bring to their Primary Care Physicians, go to the emergency room for, or are hospitalized for.

That is why the Delta Health Outpatient Therapies and Sports Performance Clinic is excited to now be offering vestibular rehabilitation where patients can get evaluated and treated for vertigo and dizziness, which are disorders of the body’s vestibular, or balance system.

Peter Brown, Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy at Delta Health, recently received a “Certification of Competency in Vestibular Rehabilitation,” through an intensive course at Duke University.

“I feel fortunate to work for Delta Health which recognizes the value in having someone trained to treat dizziness and vertigo, and that was willing to support me in pursuing this certification,” said Brown. “Getting into the program is competitive, but when I received the news that I was accepted into the course, I was overwhelmed by the support that the administrative team provided.”

The certification will allow Brown to work with patients effectively to identify the causes behind a patient’s dizziness, and in many cases, he will be able to help them improve their body’s balance system. This can result in decreasing their dizziness, but also improving balance and reducing the chances of them falling and having further injuries.

“At Delta Health we value innovation, and providing opportunities for our staff to increase their skills and education is just one of the ways that we increase the level of care that we provide our patients,” said Manuel Delgado, MS, PT, and Director of Outpatient Therapies and Sports Performance.

The cause of dizziness can be wide-ranging and complex from disorders of the inner ear to neurological disorders or medication interactions and diet.

“This certification verifies that I can accurately differentiate between these possible causes, and allows me to decipher which ones are medical emergencies, or which ones I can help improve with vestibular rehab,” said Brown. “I also will be able to know which cases I might need to collaborate or refer to another provider such as a Neurologist or an Otolaryngologist (Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor).”

The Duke University certification is the oldest, most well-established and is the only vestibular rehabilitation course that requires participants to prove their knowledge through a rigorous examination process. It is taught by leaders in the vestibular rehabilitation field who are researching the most effective treatments for these disorders. It is also the only vestibular rehabilitation course that is co-sponsored by the American Physical Therapy Association.

“This is a valuable service that we are thrilled to be able to offer our patients and community members in Delta County,” said Jody Roeber, Chief Clinical Officer for Delta Health.

Although dizziness and vertigo are common, it’s not just a “normal part of life,” said Brown. “You don’t have to live with it, and very often vestibular rehabilitation can help you get your life back.”

“I have a passion for helping to improve a patient’s well-being and wanted to offer this important type of therapy to our community,” said Brown. “That is why I sought training through this nationally recognized program.”

To learn more about the vestibular rehabilitation services offered at Delta Health Outpatient Therapies and Sports Performance, call 970.874.2250 or visit

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