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Stepping On Class Offered in September By Delta Health

Dec 27, 2017News

Stepping On Class Offered in September By Delta Health

Stepping On is an evidence-based seven week workshop that helps seniors to reduce falls and build confidence, sponsored by Delta Health. The class starts September 13th in an Oncology classroom on the Delta hospital campus.

Each week participants meet for two hours in workshops led by a Registered Nurse and Physical Therapist. Local guest experts provide information on exercise, vision, safety and medication.

In addition participants learn exercises to help them improve balance and strength.

Stepping On class is designed specifically for people who are:

1) At risk of falling, or have a fear of falling, or who have fallen one or more times

2) Live in their home or independent apartment

3) Are able to walk without the help of another person

4) Do not use a walker, scooter or wheelchair most of the time indoors

5) Are cognitively intact

6) Understand the language being used by the Stepping On Leader

For questions about whether this Stepping on workshop is right for you, or an older adult you are concerned about, please call Lisa Waddington, RN, Trauma Nurse Coordinator, Emergency Department at Delta Health at <B>874-2425</b>

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