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Volunteer Scholarship

Feb 9, 2018News

Delta Health Volunteers to Award Scholarships for Health Studies

February 7, 2018, Delta Health Volunteers are offering scholarships to graduating seniors from Delta County high schools. The main scholarship is for students pursuing post-secondary education in a healthcare-related program. Letter and applications were emailed to high school counselors in Paonia, Hotchkiss, Cedaredge and Delta.

A second scholarship is for Junior Volunteers actively working with the hospital volunteers, and who is a graduating high school senior majoring in a health-related field of study in college. The average size of scholarship awarded is $500.

Scholarship applications must be received by Delta Health Education Department, PO Box 10100, Delta, CO 81416 by April 13 for scholarship committee review. No late scholarship applications will be considered under any circumstances. Students will be notified by May 1. Contact Patti Kalahar, manager, education/marketing at 874-2291 or [email protected] for applications or additional details.

High School Scholarship Application
Junior Volunteer High School Scholarship Application

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