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(970) 874-7681

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With sign-on bonuses for qualified positions, we actively recruit nurses who are as dedicated to their patients as we are to helping them find fulfillment in their work. When you join Delta Health, you join a nursing team that is committed to inspiring hope in a healing environment while providing the highest-quality care.


The Delta Health Clinical Ladder Program (CLP) is to recognize the value of our nursing staff. The intent of the program is to foster learning, excellence, and professionalism in by investing in nurses as critical, irreplaceable resources. The program supports nursing practice by promoting retention of experienced, motivated nurses while encouraging professional development activities.

Participation in the CLP will provide opportunities for qualified staff to increase knowledge, expand nurse leadership roles, achieve professional recognition, and receive additional compensation. This compensation, as well as continuation of the program, are based upon the financial status of the organization.


New Graduate Nurses will automatically be enrolled in our 12-month Nurse Residency Program offered through a partnership between Delta Health, the U.S. Department of Labor, and the Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence. This transition-to-practice program is considered to be a residency apprenticeship, primarily focused on supporting the new graduate nurse’s transition from educational to clinical setting. It is our goal to offer a blended continuing education curriculum, through University of Iowa and the Colorado Center, as well as trained mentors/preceptors as support staff.   

Our goal is to prepare nursing graduates to:

  • Care for patients with increasing levels of acuity and complexity
  • Improve patient safety and quality of care
  • Bring evidence-based practice to the bedside
  • Promote leadership development and enhance critical thinking skills
  • Enable new nurses to build upon their academic and clinical foundation, in a safe and encouraging environment.

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