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Stork's Landing

Delta Health Labor and Delivery Unit

At Stork’s Landing, we provide a secure unit with a relaxing, home-like atmosphere and compassionate staff. Our large suites make it possible for you and your baby to stay in the same room throughout your entire stay. Our physicians from Delta Health Family Medicine and Delta Health West Elk Hotchkiss provide care during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum periods. Our healthcare providers recognize that the birth of your baby is a special and personal moment in your life, and our team is thrilled to support you throughout your journey.

To schedule a tour of Stork’s Landing and to have your questions answered, please contact us today!

Location: 1501 E. 3rd Street
Phone: 970.874.2255
Fax: 970.874.2436

The Nest: low intervention birth room

Delta Health Hospital is proud to announce the opening of its new low-intervention birth room called ‘The Nest’ at Stork’s Landing, the Labor and Delivery Department. The spacious room allows families to experience a home-like birth within the hospital setting. At The Nest, patients can enjoy an empowering birth experience that is comfortable and patient-centered with the support of Delta Health’s experienced medical team.

Some of the features at The Nest include:

  • Queen size bed for family comfort
  • Aroma-therapy
  • Birth combs
  • Scalp massager
  • Blue-tooth speaker
  • Galaxy projector with white noise and other sounds
  • LED candles
  • Jacuzzi tub
  • Floor mat for hands and knee positioning
  • Peanut ball and labor ball
  • Nitrous gas
  • Possibility of early discharge for families meeting criteria
  • Mini-fridge, microwave and coffee pot

As a Baby-Friendly Designated birth facility (2023-2028), Stork’s Landing is globally designated by the World Health Organization and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) which recognizes the optimal level of care provided by staff for all mothers and their babies. Originaly designated in 2017, Stork’s Landing has continued that designation through 2028. 

Stork’s Landing is also recognized as a Maternal and Infant Care Quality Champion by the Colorado Perinatal Care Quality Collaborative.  This recognition means that Delta Health is helping ensure that every pregnant and postpartum person, infant, and their families in Colorado has access to and receives safe, equitable, high-quality care.

Education and Prenatal Care

Before your bundle of joy arrives, Stork’s Landing also offers a free Childbirth and Prenatal Class in Delta on select days and times throughout the year. The class includes prenatal information, an introduction to Baby-Friendly 10 Steps, breathing and relaxation techniques, what to expect during the different stages of labor, vaginal and cesarean birth information, postpartum care, and newborn care including breastfeeding. To sign up call Stork’s Landing at 970.874.2255.

For an up-to-date list of Stork’s Landing events, visit the Delta Health Calendar. 

Delta Health offers obstetric (OB), prenatal and newborn care at Delta Health Family Medicine and Delta Health West Elk Hotchkiss and additional pediatric care is provided at Delta Health Pediatrics.


Delta Health Family Practice with obstetric physicians (FPOB) are all board-certified and provide compassionate care through pregnancy and delivery.

Family Medicine provides an approach to pregnancy that is mindful of the changes a baby brings to the mother, father, and other children. Oftentimes your family doctor will see the entire family and gets to know your values and preferences. We have the unique expertise to care for a baby in the womb and provide counseling as the baby grows. We also work closely with Delta Health Pediatrics if you would like to have your little one cared for by a board-certified Pediatrician after delivery. 

In the beginning, you will be seen at regular intervals each month in the clinic, and as the pregnancy progresses you will be seen more frequently. At each visit, your doctor will measure the baby’s growth, listen to the heartbeat, answer your questions, and order labs and ultrasounds. We also offer genetic testing to evaluate for Down Syndrome and gender as early as 9 weeks.  

If you have serious concerns at any time prior to your delivery date, two triage rooms are available at Stork’s Landing for you to be evaluated by our specialized nurses. Our highly trained nurses can perform tests and monitor you and your baby as indicated by your provider.

Labor and Delivery

Our rooms are designed for the LDRP model which stands for Labor, Delivery, Recovery, and Postpartum. This means:

  • You remain in the same spacious room throughout your stay. 
  • Central monitoring allows for our team to monitor your labor and the baby’s heartbeat at the bedside or at the nurse’s station.
  • You have the reassurance that your nurses are constantly monitoring your progress while allowing privacy during this exciting time.

Remote fetal monitoring allows for laboring mothers to walk and still be observed on the monitor.  These can also be used while in the tub.  We believe in assisting you in the type of birth you desire.  Jetted tubs and showers in each suite can assist you with relaxation as a form of pain management. Various laboring techniques include using: 

  • Birthing ball and Peanut ball
  • Rocking chair
  • Walking and Squat bar


To help with labor pain, we will work with you to find the best options.  Low interventions include hydrotherapy (bath), walking, or you can bring in your own music, aromatherapy, doulas, and support persons.  Nitrous gas is also available after consulting with your provider.  As the labor progresses, other forms of pain control can include intravenous (IV) pain medications, and/or epidural anesthesia. Certified nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) are available around the clock, every day of the week for epidural anesthesia.


In the event that you have a c-section, you are able to easily transition to our C-Section Suite/OR. After surgery, you are taken back into the same room you were admitted for recovery where you can be with your baby immediately. Your doctor, who cares for you during labor, will perform your c-section. If you need a repeat c-section, your doctor will schedule that with you. 


The majority of our nurses on staff are Certified Lactation Counselors (CLC) and International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC), and offer support during your stay or after you have returned home. Assistance can be provided by phone call or through a one-on-one consultation.

We strongly support breastfeeding. At the same time, we respect your decisions about feeding your baby. We are committed to supporting YOUR goals and we ask for honest feedback on how we can best help you adjust to your changing family.

One of our registered nurses will also call you several days after discharge to follow up with you. We want to check in with you to see how your overall health is and to answer any questions that you may have after going home.


We help your baby with delayed cord clamping for 1 minute after delivery. We encourage skin-to-skin contact immediately after delivery for at least an hour or until breastfeeding has been initiated. We recommend continuing this special contact throughout your stay and after going home. The benefits of skin-to-skin include: 

  • promoting breastfeeding
  • stabilizing the baby’s temperature, blood sugar, heart rate, and breathing rate
  • providing comfort and bonding for you and your baby.

After your baby is born, your baby will room with you; meaning they stay in your room at all times and only go to the nursery if medical care is needed. You may accompany your baby for any tests or procedures.

Should the need arise, our nursery is equipped to assist a newborn through a transition, provide respiratory support, or prepare for transport to a nearby facility that provides a higher level of NICU care. Our physicians can consult with high-risk neonatologists to form a plan for the team that will take great care of your baby.


Some of the benefits of delivering at Stork’s Landing are the screening tests and medications we offer newborns. We screen all newborns for:

  • deafness with a hearing screen
  • heart problems
  • common genetic disorders with a Colorado State blood test (PKU test)
  • Jaundice and can provide phototherapy if needed

We also provide antibiotics in the eyes to prevent blindness, vitamin K to prevent bleeding, and appropriate Hepatitis B vaccination in the hospital.

Stork’s Landing also works with Delta Health Pediatrics to provide compassionate, primary care pediatric services for your baby after delivery. Our Pediatrician offers efficient, up-to-date comprehensive healthcare and is committed to providing your child with the best care possible. From newborn exams to vaccines, developmental screening, circumcision, lactation services, and more. To learn more about Delta Health Pediatrics, call 970.546.4000.


Delta Health also offers postpartum mental health support. Mental health concerns postpartum are more common than you might think, and we have Integrated Behavioral Health Specialists available at each of our Primary Care Clinics, and we can also facilitate referrals to the Center for Mental Health. Baby blues include crying occasionally, feeling worried but being able to relax, and feeling stressed but capable of handling these new challenges. Your health care provider can help you determine if you are having normal hormonal changes or a clinical mood disorder. Please reach out if you are experiencing depression, hopelessness, or anxiety.  


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