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(970) 874-7681

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Main Office

(970) 874-7681

General Info

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

our safe care commitment

We are not done caring. 

Delta Health is committed to keeping you safe while providing the care that you need from the people you can trust, close to home. Here are the steps we are taking to keep you safe in our Hospital and Clinics. 

For more information on our frequently asked questions, visit our FAQ page about receiving care at our Hospital and Clinics.

 Here’s how we’re keeping you safe when visiting Delta Health Hospital and Clinics:

  • Masks or Face Coverings
    Everyone entering our Hospital and Clinics (employees, patients and visitors) must adhere to masking guidelines.  Please bring your own mask or face covering, or if you do not have a mask or face covering, one of our employees will provide you with one. Delta Health will continue monitoring transmission rates weekly and will make adjustments and changes to protect its patients, staff and community.
  • Washing Hands and Sanitization Stations
    We have multiple sanitizing stations located throughout our Hospital and Clinics to make it easy for patients, visitors and staff to easily clean and sanitize their hands frequently. We also provide visual reminders to practice hand hygiene.
  • Visitor Restrictions and Social Distancing
    We have implemented a series of visitor restrictions for the different departments at our hospital and clinics to ensure everyone’s safety and to allow for proper social distancing in our facilities. Learn more about our. Delta Health Visitation Policy During COVID-19. We also ask that everyone practice social distancing by staying at least 6ft (2M) from other people.
  • Telehealth Options at Delta Health Primary Care Clinics
    We continue to offer Telehealth options at all Delta Health Primary Care Clinics, allowing patients to connect with their providers virtually. Learn more about Telehealth options. 
  • Cleaning and Disinfecting our Hospital and Clinics
    Surfaces in our Hospital and Clinics are being cleaned on a routine basis to ensure the safety and well-being of our patients, visitors and staff members. Your health and safety is our top priority.
  • Separate Area Entrance for Respiratory Patients
    At all Delta Health Primary Care Clinics we have designated entrances for respiratory patients to ensure that they can be cared for safely, securely and separately from non-respiratory patients in our Clinics.
  • Aligning with Federal, State and Local Agencies
    We are constantly collaborating with federal, state and local agencies on the latest guidance to ensure that we are up-to-date on the latest measures and safety practices.
  • Surfacide UV-C disinfection technology
    We are proud to use the Surfacide Helios UV-C technology that uses ultraviolet light to prevent the spread of dangerous microorganisms and targets viruses including COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. Learn more here. 

For more answers to some of our most frequently asked questions, visit our Delta Health FAQ Page.




If you have symptoms of a cough, fever, or shortness of breath, please CALL your Primary Care Provider (PCP) clinic for a verbal phone screening and further instructions BEFORE ​going to see your provider.

  • If you are experiencing severe respiratory distress and/or need immediate assistance, call 9-1-1 and let them know you are concerned you may have COVID-19.
  • If you present to the Emergency Department and have concerns about COVID-19, and have the symptoms of cough, fever or shortness of breath please remain in your car please and call 970.874.2221 and wait for further instructions.

Prevention Recommedations

We are recommending that community members take the CDC’s recommended precautionary measures:

  • Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Wear a cloth face covering.


Testing Information

The Delta County Health Department

  • Will test all requests for COVID testing.  Testing is by appointment on Tuesdays from 9:00 am-5:00 p.m. You can visit the Health Department’s website here.

Delta Health

  • Will continue to test with the Mayo test in our clinics for patients with symptoms and surgery testing if the patient does not have a PCP in our hospital system. Symptomatic may get a rapid test. The rapid POC testing may be covered by insurance or cash pay of $80.00.
  • If the patient has a physician within our hospital system they should be referred to that office.
  • Delta County entities (i.e. police, fire, and ems), patients within the Delta Health system that are first responders, health care workers, and front line staff may receive a rapid POC test if exhibiting symptoms or exposure to a known positive.
  • Delta Health clinics will not test for travel, students, or any non-symptomatic. These individuals will be referred to the county health department. Contact 970-874-2172 to make an appointment with the Delta County Health Department.
  • If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 infection (fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose/nasal congestion, shortness of breath, muscle aches, or inability to smell or taste), please contact your Primary Care Provider’s (PCP) office first, and they can discuss testing and care options. If you do not have a PCP, call Delta Health Family Medicine at 970-874-5777 or Delta Health West Elk Clinic at 970-872-1400.
  • If you are being asked to be COVID-19 tested for an upcoming surgery, please proceed to the testing site your surgeon has directed. Pre-operative testing can be done by calling your primary care provider’s (PCP) office to schedule an appointment. If you do not have a PCP, testing can also be done at Delta Health Family Medicine at 970-874-5777 or Delta Health West Elk Clinic at 970-872-1400.


  • If you have general questions about COVID-19, call the state’s help line, CO HELP, at 303.389.1687 or 1.877.462.2911 or email for answers in English and Spanish (Español).
  • Sign up for the West Region of Colorado Emergency Notification System CodeRED.

Looking to Donate or Support Delta Health?

Your support today helps address a variety of emerging needs related to COVID-19 helping Delta Health maintain its critical role. Your gift will help support the care needed for our community. #DeltaCountyStrong

A fund, COVID-19 Response Efforts, has been established at Delta Health Foundation. Any contributions to this fund will go directly to assisting in the massive efforts at the hospital to deal with this crisis, including the purchase of N95 masks, face shields or goggles, isolation gowns, nitrile gloves and other equipment and supplies essential to COVID-19 patient care. You can give online or by sending a check payable to Delta County Memorial Hospital to PO Box 10100, Delta, Colorado 81416.


Delta Health Foundation Contact:
  • Darnell Place-Wise, Executive Director – Delta Health Foundation and Volunteer Coordinator organizing the above opportunities for Delta County
    T: 970.399.2610
Media Contact:
  • Jacqueline Davis, MHA, Marketing Director/Public Informations Office, Delta Health
    T: 970.874.2291
    M: 970.209.2329


Updated Visitation Policy 

Main entrance hours:
Monday – Friday: 6 AM – 6 PM
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Emergency Center entrance is open 24/7


1. Adult Med/Surg and ICU areas (non-COVID only) – Visitors will be allowed for non-COVID patients admitted to Med/Surg or ICU; preferably only two visitors at a time.    

  • Visiting hours will be 8:00 am – 8:00 pm.  Overnight visitation is not permitted at this time unless deemed appropriate for improved patient safety
  • Visitors under the age of 12 are not permitted in Med/Surg or ICU at this time.
  • Visitation exceptions are at the discretion of nurse leadership under special circumstances.

2. COVID+ Adult Med/Surg and ICU areas – Two designated visitors for the entire hospital stay will be allowed for COVID+ patients under isolation.  These visitors may visit up to two times a day.  If patient is removed from isolation, standard visitation guidelines apply.  Visitors of COVID+ patients must wear the same PPE as required by staff. 

3. COVID+ Compassionate considerations for end-of-life and Comfort Care Status – Four designated people will be allowed to visit a COVID+ patient placed on comfort care status.  Designees are visiting a COVID+ patient at their own risk of exposure.  Department leadership may make exceptions to this area.

4. Pediatric Patients Visitors will be allowed with pediatric patients.  We ask that the pediatric visitors stay in the patient room at all times.  We understand that parents or caregivers may need to alternate to care for other family members.


  • Patients are allowed visitors at their discretion of one support person throughout the stay and can be accommodated overnight.  For labor, one to two additional visitors will be allowed at the patient, provider and nursing discretion.  Siblings of newborns are welcome and must be supervised by an adult who is not the patient.  No other children will be allowed. 
  • We strive to attend to all medical, emotional and personal needs of the patients and if at any time, these cannot be met due to visitors, they will be asked to leave and visit the family upon discharge.


  • Two visitors are allowed in the PACU setting.  Pediatric visitors allowed on a case by case basis.


    1. When patient is being triaged, only one support person will be allowed in the triage area, all other visitors will remain in the waiting area.
    2. One to two support persons will be allowed to accompany the patient to the room, depending on the situation. This is at the discretion of the primary nurse or physician caring for the patient. All other persons will be asked to wait in the waiting area. The patient will be asked to establish a Care Partner. This person will be chosen by the patient to communicate with medical staff, other family/friends, and the patient if needed. Switch outs between support persons will be limited, again, at the discretion of the staff.
    3. Minor patients may have both parents accompany them unless otherwise requested by staff.
    4. Due to highly sensitive and confidential issues, as well as small patient rooms, visitors may be asked to wait in the waiting area when medical procedures are being performed.
    5. To provide a safe environment and protect patient privacy and confidentiality, all visitors, when not in the room with the patient, will be asked to wait in the waiting area, not in the hallway, ambulance bay, or at the nurse’s desk area.
    6. Families of critically ill patients are welcome to use the chapel.
    7. Rapidly changing situations may arise that may make it necessary to limit visitors in the Emergency Department. This will be at the discretion of the Emergency Department charge nurse or physician.
    8. Children under age 12 will not be allowed to visit in the ED for their own protection and to protect possible immune-compromised patients. (There may be exceptions to this rule on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the primary nurse or physician.)
    9. COVID-19 Considerations:
      • Patients who are positive for COVID or under suspicion may have one visitor (that lives in the same household) while in the ED.
      • Visitors are to remain in the patient room and limit movement throughout the department.
      • Visitors must keep a face mask on while in the department and in the patient room when staff is present.
      • Visitors are discouraged from trading out.

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