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Delta Health Urology Announces New Treatment for Stress Urinary Incontinence

Feb 21, 2023News

Delta, CO (February 21, 2023) – 1 in 3 women at some point in their lives experience a common condition called Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI), which is when struggles with bladder leakage can occur during physical activities such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercise.

This condition is caused by a weakness of the pelvic floor muscles, which usually tends to happen as women get older, with pregnancy, and with certain pelvic floor conditions.

Delta Health Urology is excited to announce that it is now offering Bulkamid, a urethral bulking agent used to treat stress urinary incontinence.

“This is a great service that we will now be offering our patients here in Delta County,” said Dr. Timothy Vanadurongvan, from Delta Health Urology. “It can help significantly those that have issues with pelvic muscles and bladder leakage. The procedure has minimal recovery and only takes around 10-15 minutes to complete.”

Bulkamid is a soft, water-based gel that can be used to restore the natural closing of the urethra. The procedure includes 3-4 small injections that take around 10-15 minutes in an outpatient setting under local anesthetic.

“This is a great option for women because it is long-lasting and can deliver symptom relief for up to seven years,” said Dr. Vanadurongvan. “It is also a flexible procedure, so if a patient wants more support and needs it touched up, we can offer that as well.”

Dr. Vanadurongvan says Bulkamid is a great option for relief as opposed to some other options for stress urinary incontinence. Bulkamid is more forgiving and comfortable.

Delta Health Urology had its first successful Bulkamid procedure at the end of 2022 and will continue making this service accessible to patients on the Western Slope.

For those that are interested in the procedure, referrals can be made to Delta Health Urology from Primary Care Clinics, or patients can call the clinic directly to make an appointment. During the appointment, a physician will discuss all aspects of care, to make sure that all of the patient’s needs are being met when it comes to possible Stress Urinary Incontinence.

“Having conversations around bladder leakage can sometimes be embarrassing or frustrating for patients, but we are here to provide support and treatment options to help them regain bladder control and feel like they can do normal daily activities without fear of leakage,” said Dr. Vanadurongvan.

To learn more about Bulkamid, visit or call 970.399.2890.+

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