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Delta Health West Elk Hotchkiss Patient Prioritizes Her Health

Mar 29, 2024News

The latest Hologic Global Women’s Health Index survey found that women’s health remains seriously at risk. More women are going untested for potentially life-threatening conditions, more women are in physical pain and are experiencing more health problems overall.

For Megan Storey, a Paonia resident, prioritizing her health means staying proactive with her wellness. Megan uses the primary care services at the Delta Health West Elk Hotchkiss Clinic and Christi Anderson, Nurse Practitioner, is her provider.

“When my husband and I moved here four years ago from Denver, we both needed a primary care provider and they paired us with Christi,” said Megan. “I really liked her and even chose her to be the provider for our children as well. She is always available, responsive and she remembers everything about my family and our needs.”

Megan said she remembered one time her daughter had a bad reaction to a vaccine she had gotten three weeks earlier, and Anderson remembered exactly what vaccine it was and got her taken care of.

“She’s just very attentive and remembers everything every time we go in there,” said Megan.

Originally from New York, Megan and her husband moved to Paonia four years ago when they bought their company Dog Watch of the Western Slope.

“This area was a centered location for our company, we liked the Paonia school district, and we liked the small town feel,” said Megan. “Being in a very small community, I like going to the West Elk Clinic because they know us and they treat us like family. They’re always welcoming and make us feel comfortable there.”

One of the ways that Megan stays proactive with her own health is by scheduling her wellness visits regularly.

“You have to remember to take care of yourself in order to take care of the rest of the people in your family,” said Megan. “If you’re not healthy, it’s hard to keep up with family life. So it’s important to take time for yourself and make sure you’re in a good place physically and mentally.”

Megan said her kids keep her moving and healthy, but her family also prioritizes keeping her family active and going outside for walks, bike rides, and more. She said her kids love to do yoga with her and will roll their yoga mats out right next to her.

“Sometimes they’ll lift their little one-pound weights which is so cute,” said Megan. “We just like to stay outside and as active as we can.”

Megan also had both of her children at Stork’s Landing, the Delta Health Labor and Delivery Unit. Dr. Amber Angles delivered her first child, and Dr. Matthew Lebsack was Megan’s Family Medicine with Obstetrics Provider for the birth of her second child.

“My first pregnancy went very quickly,” said Megan. “I had just made it to the hospital and they had to use a wheelchair to take me inside. With my second baby I was very confident going into Stork’s Landing and knew I’d be well taken care of. The nurses made me feel so comfortable, and I remember one nurse kept whispering in my ear, ‘You can do it.’ They walked me through the whole process and were so comforting and calm. It felt like family in the delivery room.”

Megan’s second birth experience also moved quickly. She and her husband called Stork’s Landing ahead of time to tell them they were on their way and were triaged when they arrived. Dr. Lebsack was then called and quickly came to walk Megan and her husband through the delivery process.

“He gave me my options and he was very calm throughout the whole thing,” said Megan. “The nurses and Dr. Lebsack walked me through pushing, which was scary because I wasn’t able to get an epidural. I just felt really comfortable.”

Prioritizing health also looks like doing things that you love. For Megan and her family that includes gardening, camping, riding four-wheelers and dirt bikes. She said that in the winter they’ve also started snowboarding.

“[My husband and I] like to get the kids involved in the activities that we like to do so that we can do them as a family,” said Megan. “There are so many outdoor options and we love exploring and finding new things to do every day. We love living in this area, and we love the small community feel where everyone is friendly and welcoming. The providers at West Elk Hotchkiss make us feel like family and like they truly care about us.”

Whether it’s scheduling an annual wellness visit, or taking time to get outside with family, prioritizing health looks different for everyone. For more tools and resources on the primary care clinics and services available at Delta Health, visit For more information on the Delta Health West Elk Hotchkiss Clinic, visit or call 970.872.1400.

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