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Mental Health Matters

May 17, 2022Library

May is Mental illness awareness month, a chance for us to reflect on how mental illness can affect everyone directly and indirectly.

The other day I was scrolling through social media and saw a clip of a comedian telling a story about a conversation he had with his teenage daughter who asked if he ever went to therapy as a child. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but parenting has changed a lot in one generation. Therapy?! I couldn’t tell my dad I was thirsty; let alone communicate an emotional need.”

Now, as adults, we may chuckle and remember a different time, but the reality is, that he wasn’t wrong. Looking back on the past, the stigma and general misunderstanding of mental health and illness is not just a problem of the past. When you think that today one and five youth will experience a mental health challenge at some point during their life, we know we still have work to do. Thankfully, the youth now are talking and feeling more empowered and engaged about the topic and understand the importance of asking for help and helping someone who is struggling.

At Delta Health we have Integrated Behavioral Health Specialists that are available at all of our Primary Care Clinics: Delta Health Family Medicine, Delta Health West Elk Hotchkiss and Delta Health Adult Primary Care. Our specialists focus on whole-person care; meaning our team works with you, doctors and nursing staff to improve your physical and emotional health.

Our providers understand that mental health matters at all ages and in all life circumstances. In America, men are far less likely to seek help for depression, substance abuse and stress than women are. Nearly 1 in 10 men experience depression and anxiety, but less than half actually seek out treatment.

With Mother’s Day coming up, it is a good time to remember some of the hardships that come with becoming a new mother. Pregnancy-related depression is one of the most common complications of pregnancy. Reassure your loved ones that they are not alone. There is help and Mental Health Matters.

In a recent article by Becky Ela, Delta Health’s Director of Behavioral Health, she points out that, “poor mental health does not go away, it simply takes a seat in the back of the room until we have to take notice and do something about it.” Lets all take this time to support ourselves and our loved ones by reminding them the importance of taking care of their physical and mental health.

For more information on behavioral health services at Delta Health, visit

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