If you are a parent, chances are you’ve dealt with colic sometime in your child’s early life. It was one of the most difficult parts of parenting my second child, and I still remember those days as if they happened yesterday (and he turned 23 years old just...
The Benefits of Family Practice Obstetrics
When I chose to enter Family Medicine, one of the biggest draws was the chance to treat individual patients and treat entire families. In particular, it is incredibly rewarding when a patient chooses me as their Obstetrics (OB) provider. It is truly special to get to...
Men and the Importance of Mental Health
Working aged men (25-54 years old) account for the largest number of suicide deaths in the U.S. These men are also the least likely to receive any kind of support. They don't talk about it with their friends. They don't share with their family. And they sure as heck...
Cancer Risk in Men: Men’s Health Month
What did Eddie Van Halen, George Harrison, and Sammy Davis Jr. have in common? Besides being great entertainers and musicians, they all had bouts of head and neck cancer. “Head and neck cancer” is the term used to describe a number of different malignant tumors that...
Workers Compensation: FAQ
Safety and injury prevention in the workplace Alana Montgomery, Family Nurse Practitioner Safety inside and outside of the workplace has become increasingly crucial now, more than ever. Each year the National Safety Council (NSC) is focused on saving lives and...
Mental Health Matters
May is Mental illness awareness month, a chance for us to reflect on how mental illness can affect everyone directly and indirectly. The other day I was scrolling through social media and saw a clip of a comedian telling a story about a conversation he had with his...
Q&A with Krista Chiefa, Pediatric Physical Therapist
Delta Health Outpatient Therapies and Sports Performance is excited to welcome Krista Chiefa, Pediatric Physical Therapist as the newest addition to their team. Chiefa brings years of experience working with pediatric physical therapy patients and is thrilled to begin...
Multiple Vaccines for Children: Common Questions Answered
In my several years of practice, I have come across many parents who have concerns about their children getting multiple vaccines at one time. They are concerned that their child will hurt too much or be too stressed out from getting multiple shots at one time. Or...
Head Injuries in Children: what to do and look for as a parent
One of the most common injuries in pediatrics is when a child has a head injury. They may fall off something they have climbed on. They may knock their head walking around a corner. And small children often walk right into counter edges because they are often right...
The History of National Doctors’ Day and Thanking Delta County Doctors
By: Gwen Conrad Medical Staff Coordinator 89 years ago, the Auxiliary of the Barrow County Medical Society in Winder, Georgia received a request from Eudora Almond asking if March 30 could be observed as Doctor’s Day. Being married to a physician, she no doubt,...